As some of you may surmise, I'm picky when it comes to skincare- and lip balm is no exception. So I was thrilled when I looked at the ingredient list on my Pink Grapefruit Juice balm and found tons of skin friendly ingredients. Skin-identical jojoba and olive oils and shea butter add moisture and help to reinforce the skin's protective lipid barrier. The olive oil and shea butter, along with vitamin E, also provide antioxidants to protect against environmental damage. Also of note is what the balm doesn't include- annoying irritants like peppermint, menthol or camphor. Crazy Rumor balms are cruelty free and vegan too, for those of you who keep track of such things!
I love the way Crazy Rumors balm feels on my lips- it's the kind of balm you want to keep applying all day because it's just so soothing. It applies easily- the balance of oil and wax is perfect and allows the balm glide on easily without feeling overly greasy or at all waxy. The flavor is lightly sweet and very subtle (almost more scented than flavored, in my opinion) and comes in TONS of varieties- from the Fresh Squeezed that I tried to ice cream & tea inspired. The finish is moist but not shiny- so even your best guy can get in on the goods. Best of all- at just $3.49, Crazy Rumors is a totally reasonable indulgence!
As if finding a great balm isn't exciting enough, Crazy Rumors is offering 15% off all orders now through June 15th, just use the code FRESH at checkout! Have you tried Crazy Rumors yet? I'd love to try the HibisKiss lip colors, and just about all of the flavors sound super yummy!
The products featured in this post were submitted for review consideration by a representative of the company. What does this mean? I didn't pay for it. My commitment is to you- my readers- and to myself (it's called integrity, I like to have it). The opinions expressed in my product reviews are my own, based on my own research and experience; I am not paid in any way nor is the final outcome of the review influenced by the featured company.
Crazy Rumors is awesome. I have a couple of the Hibiskiss.. I love the scent and the way it glides on.
I've been wanting to get more of the balms. Thanks for the heads up on the discount offer!
I've never heard of this. The HibisKiss looks cool!
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