Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blogiversary Giveaway WINNER!!!

Let's just get to it, 'cause I know you're all just gonna skim this page until you see it anyway! Aaaaannnnnddddd.....the winner is......Entry 226:

Dyna! According to Dyna's Blogger profile, she hails from Malta. So...I'm off to Google that and find out where it is! Congrats to Dyna, and again, I can't thank you all enough for blogging, tweeting, facebooking and generally just spreading the word about the contest.

For those of you still reading, I just want to tell you I've had such a great time reading through the comments! It's really nice to know that what I'm writing is touching base with my readers. To see Whitney, a pediatrician, comment that she liked my CeraVe post because, as a doctor she recommends it all the time- well, what better validation could I ask for? I was also touched by comments like the one from Kat where she talked about bringing my Eyebrow 101 diagram to the salon with her (I bet the Esthetician loved that!) or LacquerSmack's comment of same brow post: "It saved me. I kid you not." Wow. Anytime!

And while I'm thinking about it- damn you guys and gals are creative with your handles! LacquerSmack? You've got to be kidding me- how fricking adorable! I also got a particular kick out of "The Glitzkrieg" and "aPanda" (it's the icon on her blog that does it for me!)

I would love to reply to each and every single one of you, but I imagine y'all would rather me spend the next few days on actual content (like the look at Sugarpill's 7 new Chromalust shades that's coming up this week!) Just know that I'm honored to be a part of your lives. That you all enjoy my looks and opinions, trust my advice and reviews means so much, especially because I know how many people there are out there doing what I do (well, maybe not exactly what I do!)

I love writing OutInAPout, and luckily, beauty never stops evolving, so I don't have to either! To all of you, from those that have been with me since December 2008 to those that just found out about me today, thanks for reading, and don't be a stranger. Comments, questions, requests and even just general greetings are always welcome! Hit me up on Twitter or Formspring, or Email me know where to find me!

So pull on your hair
Pull on your pout
Cut the conversation
Just open your mouth
Pull on your face
Pull on your feet
And let's hit opening time
Down on fascination street
-Robert Smith


Unknown said...

Congrats to the winner and it's a pleasure to reed you!!

Cláudia Mendonça said...

Congrats to the winner =)

luckiebeauty said...


: )

Unknown said...

hey congratulations to the winner....

Hollis Fam said...

Congrats to the winner! I'm sure she'll be very happy with her prizes. :)

Uchukiti said...

YAY Congrats to the winner!

Dyna said...

aaaaaaaaa may i scream or what !!! Thanks girl I feel soooo lucky :) I've never ever won a giveaway beforeee :D:D xxx

Anastasia said...

Grats Dyna! And big thanks to Jess for hosting such a generous giveaway <3

Dyna said...

Thanks Anastasia, I still can't believe I won it's the most perfect gift ever thanks to Jessica xxxxxxx I'm so so excited to see them !!! It's almost too good to be true :))

K said...

Congrats Dyna!!! =]

Packgal said...


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