Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Blogiversary to Meeeee.....CONTEST IS OVER
Thanks for Entering!

Well, it's here folks. Today turns two years old! Without being too gushy, I just want to say I've enjoyed every minute of it. Immersing myself in the beauty blogger culture has educated me in ways I never thought possible. It's reignited a passion for writing I'd almost let go to ash. Above all, it's connected me to hundreds of people, many of which I now call friends. To each and every one of you, from those who have been with me since day one to youse newbies who are still trying to figure me out, THANK YOU!!!

To show my love, thanks, and gratitude I'm hosting a month long Blogiversary Giveaway!!! Throughout the past year, I've collected goodies worth OVER $130 for just such an occasion. These are the products we lusted over, the new lines that rocked our world, the shades everyone had to have, and a few favorites thrown in for good measure.

So, what are you looking at? One lucky follower will win everything pictured above!

Orly Cosmic FX polishes in Galaxy Girl and Space Cadet: The buzz of the fall polish season, these shimmery, duo-chrome lacquers were almost impossible to find. They also happen to be dead-on dupes for MAC's super popular Venomous Villains shades Formidable! and Mean & Green.

Barry M Nail Paint in Dusky Mauve: This Brit drug-store brand isn't available in US stores, but that's not gonna stop you from rocking a fist full of iridescent grey-purple (grurple?) awesomeness. Oh, and if you loved Chanel's Paradoxal but couldn't get your mitts on it (or just think spending $23 on one nail polish is a little silly) you're in luck: total dupeosity. Don't believe me? Check out Charlotte's comparison on Lipglossiping. While you're there, thank her for this prize- I actually won it in her contest about a week after I had a friend send me one from the UK! So, good for me, good for you!

Sleek MakeUP iDivine Palette in Bad Girl: If you follow me or a myriad of other beauty enthusiasts, you may have wondered what all of the Sleek hubbub has been about for the past few weeks. The beauty SNAFU of the season, this hot high-street brand offered a 12-hour 50% off sale, which got all kinds of wonky. Without reiterating the whole story, I'll just tell you that I had my friend Ana (yes, that Ana. As in Anastasia, from Lipsticks & Lightsabers. Yeah, we're friends. Jealous?) call me from the UK at 6:50 AM to make sure I was up and online when the sale started. I don't get up that early. Ever. But I did, to get this palette, for this giveaway. Which I actually didn't (yet...long story). I did, however, have one of my own that I hadn't yet touched. I love y'all so much, so here it is.

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Stereo Rose: if you don't know about this, I'm not sure why you're reading a beauty blog (of course, I'm glad you are!) but for your education, just do a quick search on eBay.

e.l.f Studio Powder Brush: This is easily my bestest cheapest buy this year- I use this brush to apply my foundation daily. It applies, blends,'s not the most luxe feeling or fanciest looking brush I own, but it does the job better than any other.

e.l.f Studio Lip Lock Pencil: Another great bargain find. This colorless "unliner" goes around the outside of the lip line and, as the name implies, locks in color to prevent bleeding. I like it a lot. Check out my review if you wanna see why!

Too Faced Shadow Insurance: Ever see the acronym TFSI and wondered what the heck it was? Despite what Google may tell you, it doesn't stand for "Turbo Fuel Stratified Injection". It's this, and your favorite eyeshadow is 100 times more awesome with it underneath.

Sleek MakeUP Pout Polish: It's a gloss, a balm, a sunscreen and even kind of a stain. It's my go-to lip product. I own every color. You should too, and I'm gonna start you off with my first shade (Perfect Plum) and the newest one (Powder Pink).

Sugarpill Pressed Eyeshadow: The launch the world awaited! When Sugarpill launched in February, I was lucky enough to be sent an incredible press kit from founder Amy (aka Shrinkle). These are quite possibly the best shadows in my arsenal, and when Sugarpill had a sale on some scratch-and-dent "monster palettes" I took the opportunity to fill out my collection. This meant I ended up with some duplicates, so I pulled them out of their original homes and made a Franken-palette just for you guys! Not available ANYWHERE else, this palette includes 4 full-size, super pigmented shades: Buttercupcake, Poison Plum, Midori and Afterparty. Since they're from the monster sale palettes, a couple have some minor dings, but I promise, you won't care!

Seche Vite: I'm not really sure what took me so long to try this, but I'm oh so glad I did- it really is the best! Dries fast and rock hard in minutes- I can (and do) go to bed 10 minutes after a polish change with this stuff.

So now that you know what it is, I bet you want to know how you can win it. I'm gonna make it pretty easy on you. Here are my rules:
  • You must be a follower of this blog. Sorry if that seems unfair, but this giveaway is specifically to thank those that have supported me these last few years. Besides, it's super easy to follow- just click the button. I promise I won't call you or show up at your house or anything.
  • Leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite OutInAPout post has been. Comments MUST include an email address that I can contact you at if you're chosen as winner. This earns you one entry.
  • Earn an additional ONE entry by tweeting about this contest. You can use your own words, but please include a link to this post and @outinapout in your tweet, so I know you tweeted.
  • Earn an additional 2 entries for blogging or posting about this on Facebook. Again, say what ever you want, just make sure you include a link to this post! Of course, I'll have to know what you did, so make sure you leave an additional comment on this post with a link to your blog post or Facebook update.
  • Contest is open internationally, as long as it's legal for you to enter (your local rules & restrictions apply, yada, yada, yada.)
  • Contest ends December 15, 2010 at Midnight EST.
Good Luck, and again, thanks!!!


1 – 200 of 272   Newer›   Newest»
autumnkitty said...

Yay, happy blogiversary to you! ;)

I found your BB cream post particularly interesting. I didn't even know what it was until I started following your blog. :)

I tweeted:!/moonlitskies76/status/10594126940606464

I posted on FB :

I follow via GFC: autumnkitty

autumnkitty at gmail dot com

hhhnp12 said...

Happy Blog giveaway!!!
I like Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals Latest Update: Monday, 4:13pm EST because it let me know about all the great deal.

I tweet!/hhhnp12/status/10599955395776512

I post on Facebook!/hanh4n/posts/161368047240546

I am follow you on GFC as hhhnp12

harrynpham at yahoo dot com

Uchukiti said...

Happy blogiversary! I loved your milk tip post.
i follow your blog via gfc as carrie rose.


shared on facebook:

chiisexy at gmail dot com

Musing on Beauty said...

happy blogiversary! :-) And thanks for having this giveaway!

I love any post about skincare, especially when you talk retinoids and AHA/BHA hehe :)

You know my twitter and my e-mail addy, I think ;-)

Aquaheart said...

Happy Blogiversary! :D

Now I know I'm going kind of far back with this, but your Quick Tip on the Stay-in-Place Eye Liner is the post that sticks in my mind and it works wonderfully :)

aquastainedheart AT msn DOT com

Khuzzy said...

OOOH! Happy Blogiversary to you! Happy Blogiversary to youuuuu!

I love your D-EYE-Y post! It inspired me to a bit more bright with my eyeshadow colours!!

My e-mail is

I follow via Google: Khuzzy

And I follow yo on twitter.... :D

K said...

HAPPY BLOGAVERSAY! =] Iversary? Aversary? Eh. xD I like the letter A better.

I'm actually a dead new follower, I think I've only been here for the past... two weeks or something? Found you from the Lipstick & Lightsabers forums =] And very glad I did, too!

It's actually really hard to pick a particular post, they're all really well-written and informative. I guess I'd plump for the one because I really like the cause and... yeah =] I think all of the posts that are relevant to me though are really great so... hard to choose between xD

I facebooked but I don't know how to get the link? My URL is but I don't know if my posts are visible to non-friends... The link to THIS post is actually in the comments because I copy-pasted the wrong bit, lol. Clever me. Anyway if I can get the actual link I'll leave another comment...

lilliahkent at live dot co dot uk

SweetsQueen said...

I am so very new to your blog, maybe 3 weeks, but I've seriously enjoyed your drugstore dupes, people usually just stop with originals without going the extra mile to find something more cost effective. :) Happy Blogaversary!

Minou said...

Yay! Happy Blogiversary!!!

It's really hard to pick one post in particular I really love your blog as a whole, everything is very informative!

I follow through GFC Minou

I tweeted Minou_Mowmow

I will post on my blog ASAP


Phyrra said...

I'm a follower!
I actually love this blog entry:

Because you talk about how you don't use a separate eye cream.
I hadn't used one for years, just using my moisturizer, until I started getting PR samples. Then I couldn't tell if they were working or not until I tried one specific brand that REALLY seemed to make a difference. So I found your post helpful in that it didn't seem like I NEEDED to buy a separate moisturizer.

I tweeted this message:
Check out @OutInAPout 's awesome Blogiversary giveaway :o)

I can't find the link for that exact tweet.

sephyrra at gmail dot com

Happy Hanukkah! <3
Happy Blog Anniversary!

The Fabulous Ms. Beth said...

I follow on GFC :) (I'm the fabulous ms. beth)

I tweeted:

and one of my fave blog posts was the drugstore dupe post about este lauder vs. olay.

Dominique -aka- 美華ちゃん said...

Happy bloggiversary, and WOW these are some awesome prizes! Congratulations <3

1.) I honestly can't say what my favorite post is :( I just really enjoy your creativity that you show in your FOTD's. I use you for inspiration at times.
2.) I tweeted, but I don't know how to show you? I'm aijuswhanakno, if that helps.
3.) I posted you in my sidebar. The photo links back to your entry :)

lalalyns said...

I'm following via GFC as hunter_lynsey. My email address is

I liked your skincare post. :)

Congrats on the blogiversary!

Anna said...

I'm also a follower via GFC, my e-mail is

Hm it's hard too choose on single entry, but my fave one is the one about the day of death in Mexico, Dias les muertos (????), it was very informative and the pic was simply stunning.

My tweet:


Lisa said...

Oh my gosh what an amazing giveaway!!!

I tweeted for an extra entry :D

/LisaOrestea on twitter :)

my email is

Unknown said...

Hooray Happy Blogiversary pretty lady!

My fave post is prob: Don't Skip Your Sugarpill! I adore Sugarpill, so reviews put a big old smile on my silly face.

Your FOTD's are always ridiculously gorgeous too.

I follow via Google

vikkibaker3 at gmail dot com


Kristina said...

Congrats on your milestone!

My favorite post as well as how I discovered you was your intensive Black Friday/Cyber Monday round-up post.

I follow this blog as KristinApocalypgloss.

Email is kristina (DOT) mcgaughey at gmail (dot) com

Monika @ RocailleWrites said...

This is such an amazingly generous giveaway!

My favorite posts from you are the ones on beauty sales and deals going on... Thanks to you, I scored NYX 50% off last week!

I follow via Google as Rocaille.

I've also retweeted your tweet on the giveaway, but don't know how to link to it... ;/

Happy Anniversary! x

Unknown said...

I loved the Calaveras de Azúcar post. It turned out so well. Love the colors.



I follow via GFC: Becki

bek1826 at gmail dot com

wazzra said...

Happy blogiversary indeed!

I have been a reader for awhile, but never realized I wasn't officially following. I do now!

My favorite post of all was definitly Halloween looks: Lucent Rainbows and Pink Calamari. AH, THESE EYELASHES!

I posted on FB, but I have no clue on how to get the link! (Caith Lecours Loving this gigantic giveavay from @outinapout !

my email is !

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your beauty buzz word posts. I know very little about the ingredients in beauty things, and don't usually pay attention, unless I KNOW it works. So it's nice seeing ingredients to look for, and what the fuss has been about.

jensun said...

Congrats. :)

My fave is your sugar skull makeup. Duh!


Jovi said...

Happy Anniversary!! :D

I really like your posts where you talk about the weekly sales. I find them really useful!

I tweeted here:

FB'd it here:

I follow you through GFC: Jovi

My email:

Just some girl said...

Happy blogiversary!

I liked the eyebrow tutorial (and the yellow/green/blue eye post, too--I'm not much on blue eyeshadow either!)

I follow on Twitter, and here via Google Reader (but I'm not sure if that shows up for you?) and I retweeted it! (@marigolds)

eRiN said...

My favorite of your posts is the Halloween looks one because I LOVE those rainbow lashes!!!

macmahon.erin [at]

eRiN said...

I tweeted the giveaway, and if one of my followers wins bcs of me I will show up at their house and demand a 10% cut of the prize ^.^

macmahon.erin [at]

eRiN said...

I posted a link on my Facebook page, it's the top status update:

macmahon.erin [at]

Kat said...

Congrats on you bloggiversary! :)

My fave post that you did would be Eyebrow 101:The Ideal Shape. I have thick bushy eyebrows and I have had them shaped in salons all the time. I would often wonder why I would look different each time. With your article, I now have a guide that I could bring to these salons!

katch05 at gmail dot com

Porcelaine said...

I'm following :)

I loved your black friday/cyber monday posts. You did such a great job!

daisypack at hotmail dot com

Jadelyn said...

Another new follower here, but happy blogiversary to you!

I liked your editorial rant on Lancome's gene-day-charity-stunt a couple months back, because it very much mirrors my feelings about the way corporations, every October, "pinkwash" their products for breast cancer month, boosting sales while giving very little or sometimes nothing at all to the cause they're purporting to support.

Also, I tweeted about it here:

And I can be reached at Nikaia dot Jadelyn at gmail.

Mrs. Sassy said...

I loved your sales blog!!!

I also retweeted your tweet announcing this!


golddustalex said...

Following you via google!
I have tweeted the giveway too but twitter is faffing about so, check my twitter for your name!

My favourite post? Tossup between black friday/cyber monday deals and the post. SRSLY, even w/ my disease, I still hope to work for Medicins Sans Frontiers or Doctors Without Borders one day. I can't thank you enough for doing what you're doing, especially with global warming causing all these earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes etc. to people who barely make it day to day as is. Donating all proceeds keeps MSF alive and in turn, my dream alive. Which is far more important to me than eyeshadow in the long run, though I'm not saying I don't absolutely love m/u ;) I just wanted to say thank you. I think your generosity of spirit is incredible and inspiring to others and hope many more follow your example.

Anonymous said...

My favorite was definitely the recent Black Friday post. I love following sales and the promo codes were especially helpful since I did lots of my shopping online that weekend!

Contact me if I win at:

Fingers crossed!

golddustalex said...

Hey Jess,
just made a blog post about you and the giveaway. I am a rambler, sorry!


Ladyofthelaake said...

Happy Blogiversary to you!!

The post I liked most was the one about the Sleek Makeup 50% Off Sale, oh I'm sorry if this reminds you of a nightmare :) This is how I discovered your blog and I knew I wasn't alone to have problems (although I already knew it thanks to the Sleek Facebook page ^^)

I'm already a follower of your blog via GFC - Lolaa
My email is : ladyofthelaake (at)

Thank you for an awesome giveaway, you chose a lot of wonderful products here, you totally rock!! :)

Melly said...

Happy blogiversary! Loved your "Brand Spotlight:
One Hand Washes the Other" as I love shopping in Etsy :)

i follow via GFC = Melly

Rachael said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!

I'd say my favorite is whenever you post about new sales. It makes my day.

aubrey said...

I found this blog while searching for black friday sales, so I'd have to say the sales post is my favorite because I ended up getting some discount goodies :)

Mai said...

yay happy blogiversary!

I'm a follower via GFC as Mai

although it was recent and I didn't actually end up buying anything I found your Black Friday compilation post to be quite handy! It's easy to hear about the big companies but a lot more difficult to hear about the indies.

dancinbluegirl90 at gmail dot com

eelectroCutee said...

Hi.. I'm a new follower through GFC..
I like this post
it's really interesting.. :)

I tweeted your giveaway.. here's the link

kartika margaretha

Jessie said...

Happy blogiversary!

I found your post on skin types particularly illuminating (I never knew you could feel your skin type by touching your face after just washing it, I always thought I had dry skin, but now I realize that I'm probably a combination...). I'm also really happy someone finally pointed out to me that using lighter concealer emphasizes my flaws rather than hiding them! I can't believe I never though about that until I saw your blog..! So thanks :)

I tweeted about your giveaway as well. My twittername is JessieHumbug.

jessiehumbug at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a follower :)

My favorite post was the Calaveras de Azú fun!

Thanks ~ :)

Helena said...

The post about E.L.F.'s reverse lipliner enlightened me--I didn't know there was a cheap version!


tomi // my tiger lily said...

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! I'm following you through Google under the name 'TigerLily.'I really liked your detailed review on Sugarpill. I've been wanting to order from them sooo badly for a long time now!

Sadly, I don't have twitter or facebook :[

tomi dot colleen at yahoo dot com

Thank you for this giveaway! <3

Jessie said...


Just wanted to add that I blogged about your contest on my new blog.

I don't have any followers yet, though, so I'm sorry if it doesn't raise enough awareness :(

I'm hoping to generate some traffic before Dec 15th!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!

It was great when you told us all about Sugar Pill, I had never heard of them before you. Now I can not live without them!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2 years! How awesome, what a cool accomplishment, girl! :) I follow your blog, and I loved your Retinol Over-the-Counter Vs. Precription post and found it very informative.

I tweeted:

I posted on Facebook (Amber H):!/permalink.php?story_fbid=117568454975609&id=100000485587437

Thanks for the chance to win! :)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

B said...

Happy blogiversary! Does Hallmark carry cards for this occasion yet? They should get on that!

Anyway, I don't have *a* favorite post, but I always appreciate the ones about online sales- you always seem to have a handle on EVERYONE'S sales, and I find a bunch of deals I'd miss out on otherwise. Thank you!!

Oh, and on the offhand chance I'm selected as a winner, my email is onehandwashestheother[at]comcast[dot]net

Saila said...

Happy blogiversary!

I'm just a lurker but I may as well come out of the closet now. I loved your Calaveras post and look ( which I first noticed on Twitter. Love that creativity.

I'm going to tweet soon (like within a minute) and I follow you through Blogger thingy.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to pick my favorite post, I seem to appreciate them all. But I liked the one you did on Choosing the right Illunimator. I refer back to it every so often. It's an older one!

I think I've retweeted you about a dozen times by now :)

contact [dot] gothique [at] gmail [dot] com

After giving over $1000 away in prizes this year, what's the chance I'll win something myself?

Piper said...

I follow through google friend connect - Piper nettysgirl at

I liked the e.l.f. Studio Lip Lock Pencil review because I had been wondering about it myself!

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica! I just wanted to say congrats on the two year blogiversary :)


Eplefe said...

Follow via GFC as Eplefe
Tweeted (Several times U_U)

My favorite post is (sadly) the Black Friday-sales-post. It was REALLY helpful. ^___^

eplefe [at] gmail [dot] com

The Editor said...

And happy aniversary! :P

I liked your 2009 Halloween looks: Lucent Rainbows and Pink Calamari! I know I sound like a magpie, but I love photos and colors and other people's creativity! :P

I also tweeted about your giveaway: (my twitter name: plohotnuke)

And thank you for the opportunity, yaaayy! :P

evie said...

a new follower!!

i like the brows post!

Silverstargirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BornFromSilence said...

Happy bloggyversary =) I loved your creations with the Sleek palette, it gave me wonderful ideas about what I can do on a halloween with the more unusual colours in the plaettes =) xx

BornFromSilence said...

P.S. my email is xx

Unknown said...

I liked the post about e.l.f. Studio Lip Lock Pencil. I just love the idea of this product!

I tweeted:

I follow via Google Friend Connect as Sennicka

sennicka at gmail dot com

Jasmine1485 said...

My favourite posts are your reviews, I was particularly interested in 'Product Review: Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream SPF 42', because I've heard overseas bloggers talking about BB cream for aaages, and I always wondered what it was. I'm pretty sure that's not for sale here in Australia. :) Oh, and I'm following via GFC as Jasmine1485.

Kate1485 at

ElenaKat said...

this giveaway is so pretty!
1)i like this post:

2)because I really am trying to fix my eyebrows and create the perfect shape, so it is so helpful to me!

3)I tweeted!!/elenh_/status/13190823965360129

of course I am a follower via GFC as elenh_gr_91

Grace Thomas said...

1. Favourite post:

My skin falls off in chunks during winter and I'm usually too cheap to buy decent exfoliant, so this is super helpful!

Email is ilexica at aol dot com :) ilexica on gfc.

Jade said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary! My favorite post was the one called:"Extra lashes hidden in plain site", because it was a beauty tip I'd never heard of before and it worked for me.

my e-mail: malinaoros[at]gmail[dot]com

Konad-licious said...

HI, I have just found yr blog and I'm so glad I did as it's pretty cool.

Following thru Google as Carli,

I added you to my Giveway page at

My fav post is the dupes. Altho a lot of brands aren't relevant to me, it's nice to have the info anyway :)

Congrats on yr anniversary.
I also have a giveaway on if ya wanna check it out. ;)

Stephtee said...

I'm brand spanking new!!! But I can't figure out why I haven't read your blog sooner :) I've been engrossed most of the morning with older favorite yet but I'm sure that will change!

I tweeted. Hope I did it correctly, my twitter is @astessame

I haven't posted on facebook yet but I'm going to as soon as I'm done commenting. My facebook is:

My email is: simplystephtee at gmail dot com

I'm now gratefully a foller via gfc.

Have a great day and happy Blogaversary!

Anonymous said...

happy blogiversary!

My favourite article was the one about the mica mutiny.


Nicely Neurotic said...

Happy Blogiversary! My favourite post was definitely the Sugarpill review! It was good to see reviews of both the pressed and loose shadows :)

Also I tweeted:

miss_hayley_rance at hotmail dot com


avianna said...

I particularly enjoy your more informational posts -- like the ABCDs of sun protection, the buzzword posts, and the like. I also really enjoyed your review of the BB Cream, even though BB Creams hold little to no interest for me!!

I mentioned you (and the giveaway!) in a tweet, my handle is _avianna.

and here is a post I made!

my email is w33t AT hotmail DOT com

VX.Gas.Attack said...

I only just started following you. I've been on your blog before. I'm really bad about following people I like. I usually just bookmark blogs I like and check back a few times a day like a nut case.

Anyway. I like your eyebrow posts a lot. I'm a fiend about trying to have perfect brows. I have yet to force myself to part with 20 bucks for Tweezermans though. <_< I also like your skincare posts. I've only recently started actually paying attention to caring for my skin. I used to just slather on makeup and go about my day. Dry face or not.

terradoll at gmail dot com

ardorrequiem said...

Happy Bloggerversary? lol

Here is a link to my FB. I posed about this contest!!

Justine said...

My favorite posts are your weekly round-ups of sales. That's actually why I started reading your blog and why I continue to check it.

I follow via GFC with my GMail address and can also be reached at extemter at hotmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogiversary!!!!
I loved your open letter to Doe Deere, I wholly agreed with it- well said!


I follow on GFG through my gmail account though you can reach me on an alternate gmail address livymct @ xxx

Jessica said...

Happy birthday to your blog! :D

My favorite post of yours was the one about alcohol in skincare. I'm always on the lookout for better skincare products, and that little verse really helps me narrow down my list of choices (: So thank you!

My email is disconsolate (dot) porpoise (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I actually just posted a link to your giveaway in my Friday post!

Anonymous said...

HI there! I'm a new follower but have spent a good part of my morning reading your archives.
I'd have to say I enjoy the fragrance posts, also Lolita is one of my faves as well, imagine my disappointment when my sister decided she loved it to...LOL

I follow through GFC ct1980

email ct1980 at hotmail dot com

i would tweet this but i have yet to figure twitter out:)

kylie said...

hey i follow u as kylie:)
let me think, my fav post would be ur e.l.f. Studio Lip Lock Pencil review.

Lisa said...

i liked the post on how to plug brows. however, for me, past damage still makes my brows look wonky. oh well.. happy blogiversary.

Snarkling said...

I love your AskOutInAPout section because it has given me so many tips. Please do more!

linn.kristina at gmail dot com - follow under the same

Kerry B. said...

Happy Blogiversary, Jess!! :)

I love quite a few of your posts.. but I really liked the quick tips in the Bright Eyes in a Jiffy.. I never would've thought eyedrops, white eyeliner, white shadow & some mascara would be enough to make me look awake.

I tweeted: KerryB678

I posted on FB: I have no idea how to share a link to my status. :(

I follow as: Kerry B.

kerry elizabeth 97 at yahoo dot com

Emily said...

Wow! Happy blogiversary! My favourite post is the "gross things in your products that aren't actually gross" one, it made me smile as well as making me feel better about the stuff in my products! Haha.

I tweeted, username @Jayalay
Following you via GFC.

evruddock at gmail dot com :D

Unknown said...

happy anniversary!
my fave posting was the halloween looks one- the idea of using stockings as a stencil was GENIUS!
am posting this to my FB right away!
keep up the good work!

SATAN said...

I liked this post: because I have always found it hard to deal with eyebrows and your explanation was quite simple to follow.

my email is sweethell[at]

fingers crossed!

Serena said...

This: was the first post I ever found of yours when I was looking up information on Lime Crime.

I follow via GFC: Serena Thornbrugh


casey aimee said...

Congrats :D

i'm following via GFC

my favorite post was how to choose the right illuminator. :)

c(dot)kawiecki at yahoo dot com

Michelle said...

Happy Bloggiversary!

Picking one post is tough. If I can pick two, I would go with your Sugarpill and Day of the Dead posts.

I'm a follower via GFC at dreamingviolet(at)gmail(dot)com.

Naktsmeita said...

Happy blog aniversary to You ! :)
ive reading your blog now and i like posts about basics - like your eyebrow shape post .
i follow you by blog and by twitter (as Nakstmeita) retweeted your post about giveaway :)

my email - ronja(at)inbox(dot)lv

happy Holidays ! :)

Naktsmeita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jнanѕιι...♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LindaJ said...

I lovelovelove this post: D-Eye-Y:
The Caged Bird Sings, but the Magpie ROCKS!!! Pretty!

I'm a follower through GFC!
xlindajohanssonx (at) gmail (dot) com

KimmieKarma♥ said...

I follow you!
This is my favorite post of yours:

KimmieKarma♥ said...

I tweeted:

KimmieKarma♥ said...

AANNDD: It's on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=175685202456663&id=158928837477814

KimmieKarma♥ said...

AANNDD: It's on fb:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=175685202456663&id=158928837477814

Julia Mathias said...

Man that's an awesome giveaway, and I've been lusting after s sugarpill palette for ages now.

My favorite post was this one:

This is an awesome tip and I had never heard about it.

juliamss at gmail dot com
follower name: PopCandy

Stefanie said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I must admit I am a new follower, but I found your post: Drugstore Dupe: Retinol
Over-the-Counter Vs. Precription very interesting as I am getting concerned about ageing and am aware that most advertising for skincare products just talks rubbish!! It was good to have some facts.

stef.miller at gmail dot com

Plummy said...

Happy Blogiversary! I liked your post about skin types--I've always had problems identifying mine and I thought it was useful. On that note, I thought your tip about using milk as a skin product was also very interesting!
plummyplum (at) hotmail (dot) com

B said...

I tweetered about this giveaway, too!



Alyson @ The Gloss Menagerie said...

Yay congrats on the blogiversary!

I really liked your skin types post, as well as Illamasqua swatches (I really want those lip glosses!).

I tweeted, and I posted on my blog.

lalaG said...

I absolutely love ur blog! It's always such a good read!

As someone who is getting older and looking for products to help preseve my looks, I was a huge fan of the Drugs store dupe! A great read for ladies!

Olivia Frescura said...

i'm new to your blog, but i really liked the elf lip lock post because i've never heard of it and it's something i'm interested in now because of you

happy blogaversaryyyyy!
i tweeted it too!!/oliviamakeup/status/13416731632467969

i follow on GFC under olivia
xx . olivia at gmail

Lace Escapades said...

Happy blogiversary! :)

I'm a relatively new follower, but I really enjoyed reading your "Would You Rather... beauty edition" post. I love reading those types of things!

I tweeted!

I follow your blog under the name Lace Escapades(my actual name is Kieran). :)

socialitedreams said...

I really like that you do drugstore vs high end dupes, that's my favorite part :) i follow on gfc

Unknown said...

Oldie but goodie, but I remember reading back last year and going OMG MY LIFE IS SO MUCH SIMPLER NOW. I have not missed toner at all.

Happy blogiversary! I am TERRIBLE at commenting but it is always a pleasure to read your posts and share in your knowledge. My email is onthebound at gmail dot com.

luckiebeauty said...

Wow what a blog! I love it!
My fav post is this one :
Great tips for harsh winter!

e-mail :

Skulda said...

I follow on GFC as "Skulda".

My favourite post so far (I'm new and still browsing) is D-Eye-Y: Under the Sea. I've been playing with nail polishes for a while no but I'm fairly new to the make up thing. I love the colours in this look and the instructions on how to blend are really helpful because I suck at blending.

Happy blogiversay and I look forward to reading more helpful tips and articles on your blog.

Stephanie C. said...

Happy blog anniversary! Thanks for the giveaway! :) I really like your EOTD style posts- they are so beautiful.
I follow via GFC.

Jo said...

Happy blog anniversary ! :D

I found your post on red lipstick very helpful-->

Thanks for that post! I follow through Google Connect as Jo Tee.

jo.tee35 at gmail dot com


Ngelic said...

HAPPY Blogiversary! Thankyou for giving us the opportunity to join you in this celebration!

I am a follower of the blog :)

I absolutely love this post, all the different looks and especially the rainbow lashes, love:

I tweeted about this contest here, under the name, TheNgelic:!/thengelic

I have blogged about this giveaway here AND there is a link on my side bar underneath the heading "Giveaways":

Ngelic said...

I forgot to say my email is ><, opps

Shela said...

Happy Blogiversary!

This is so exciting and it just reminded me that I forgot all about my mine! I think I need to hold a blog giveaway soon... anyhoo, I just discovered your blog but I really do love your skincare posts, especially the one about milk for your face and body.

I now follow via GFC as Shela
I also tweeted as @BGgals


esiak said...

happy bloganiversary:)
i like Dandruff -Vs- Dry Scalp:
Guest Starring Kelsi! post very much.
i follow you via GFC: esiak

Shaimaa said...

Happy Blogiversary!
I am a follower via GFC shaimaa

Its great to know about e.l.f. Studio Lip Lock Pencil as i always face prob with keeping my lipstick clear and clean

tweet about it here!/shaimapassion/status/13481518181650432

I shared about it on face book!/permalink.php?story_fbid=129712667088917&id=1097994371


Ciambella said...

I like your retail-versus-wholesale pigments breakdown post. :3 Thanks for having the giveaway! I'm ciambelladiamore [at] gmail [dot] com.

Anur said...

Happy blogiversary! :)

I follow u via gfc (anur)
anuroininen at hotmail dot com

Don't Skip Your Sugarpill is my fav so far.

Tiffany said...

I'm a super new follower I've read alot of your entries but never followed. Anyway I love all the sales posts and EVERYTHING ELSE! I don't think i can pick JUST ONE!

Ok so I follow
GFC --makeupjunkie
I facefacebooked you --

I tweeted --!/RockStarHairGrl/status/13484616706953216

Kim said...

I am doing research on my bb cream finds and I came here! :D
like right now LOL
I still love your blog though :)
I hope you make more posts!!

off to go read more posts now :D

westerneyes11 said...

happy blogiversary!!

I found your blog very informative about sales on brands.

folower via GFC as westerneyes11
westerneyes11 at hotmail dot com

I tweeted:!/Amaiatxu26/status/13499823239995392

thank you!!

dreamer said...

I love this post because I haven't try bb creams :D

I'm a GFC follower: quinieleong

i posted it here where I post most giveaways. You can join em! XD

Melissa Magill said...

I'm a new follower (although I've browsed your blog before) , but congrats on your blogiversary! :)

My favorite post was the Black Friday one because it made everything easy to find.

And I follow via Twitter (raincoatandaxe)

Natsumi Suzuki said...

Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations on reaching the terrible twos (:
I'm so glad I've found you and been a part of Out In A Pout.

Definitely am a follower (Google connect thingymajig: Natsumi Suzuki).
Now, can I just say that I honestly don't have a specific favorite OIP post:
I can't lie and say that I've found one post that I'm especially partial to
because every single one of your posts is great! You have such a great
way of writing out reviews and even explaining looks of the day. I love
it when you address contravesial issues and you are captivating and
beautiful through your writing.

Blogged about your extremely generous giveaway here:

Thank you SO much for this giveaway! No matter who wins, it is such an
incredible treat. Have a lovely holiday and new year (:

Stacey said...

I am a new follower but I really like your FOTDs :)

cirish77 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cirish77 said...

sale posts! thanks for keeping me up to date! cirish77 at yahoo dot com

Silvinha said...

Happy Blogiversary! :)

I love all your posts "This week's Sales" lol

But I also absolutelly loved the tutorial using Sugarpill's Magpie.

silvinha at rocketmail dot com

Heather S. said...

Congratulations, beautiful! :)

I love your post on Lime Crime Look: The Phoenix - such gorgeous colors and is so inspiring for me to step out of the box! :)

I tweeted (@Joydreamer)
I also follow via Google Connect

Thank you! :) xx

Anonymous said...


Follow via GFC as Monik.
I love your Product Review:
e.l.f. Studio Lip Lock Pencil.
Tweet about this giveaway here.
Link this giveaway on my blog here.

kam said...

I have found some excellent deals in your Discounts section!

Anonymous said...

I like your posts about skincare... :)

giovanna said...

happy blogversary!

i follow you via gfc as giovanna and my email is laodamea(at)gmail(dot)com

my fave post is "eye brow 101: the ideal shape": i found it very useful :)

thanks for this great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on GFC. My favorite post is 13 gross things in your beauty products that really aren't that gross. I'm like you, I don't see it as something to be concerned about. I'm not grossed out by it, I'm more interested. Awesome giveaway :)

hohohate (at) live (dot) com

Lycanthropica said...

Hello Jessica!

I love your eyebrow posts. I never new Tweezerman offered life time sharpening that is amazing!



pixiej said...

I particularly loved your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales post, it was extremely helpful!!
I tweeted:

I follow your blog with GFC as Alexina Officer.

alexina.officer at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

Happy Blogversary!
Im a new follower so I want to read your blog and find out about your blog so it seems your blog is successful anyway!

The Student's Guide To Nail Polish said...

Happy blogiversary! I'm a new follower via. GFC - "Lena Tallina"

I blogged about it here:

The Preppy Student said...

I follow GFC under M.P.

My favorite post was the urban decay one about the book!

Misstania08 said...

Hi Sweety

I am a new follower via GFC : Tania

I like your Drugstore dupe post :-)

I did a blog post about this giveaway here :

My Email :

Thanks , Hugs & Kisses

Ruth said...

Happy anniversary! I found your blog through Ana's and have really enjoyed it. I giggled when you toddler peed on your computer since my cat did the same thing!Unfortunatly that was right when he also dumped my flowers with a vase full of water on to it too. I also really enjoyed the day of the dead tutorial, it gives me good ideas for next year.
best wishes,
my email is

Arisa Lee said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!

-My favorite post is your quick tip about longer staying eyeliner! I love it because I always have problems with eyeliner, even if they say it's waterproof or smudge proof, it doesn't stay on my eyes!

Click here.

-Followed your blog via GFC.
My username is Arisa Lee.

Thanks for the opportunity!
contactarisalee (at) yahoo (dot) com

Dyna said...

Happy Blogiversary :)

I just found your blog and I loved the halloween look with the rainbow lashes, I have never seen anything like them, they're so cool.

Please Enter Me in this awesome giveaway

This is my email:

I follow you through GFC.

Thanks and happy blogiversary againnn :)

Unknown said...

I like your product reviews!

xXMaNdAXx said...

I loved your Quick tip: Pro Trick to longer wearing stay in place eyeliner! it was a very useful tip cause i've always struggled with trying to keep my eyeliner from smudging and this really helped me out! never knew that a little eyeshadow would help set it in place xoxo


Carabeara said...

I am a new follower, but I read through all of your previous posts :)

I love your demonstration of the Elf outside liner. I can't believe something so inexpensive would make such a difference. My red lipstick always migrates so I must pick this up!

I follow via google.

My email is cara.elizabeth AT

Brittany. said...

Hi! I'm a new follower. :)
I really like your review on the ELF Lip Lock pencil! Very helpful with great comparison pictures. :)
I follow via GFC as "Brittany."

Happy Blogiversary!! :D
email: btigereesa95 at

Rae said...

hi, and congratulations!

I have to say, ive been reading through your blog for a little while now and i enjoy your "Ask outinapout" posts. You answer questions thoroughly and offer genuine help and information to help curious make up lovers such as myself. I can appreciate someone who answers what may be deemed a "Stupid" question with seriousness and with so much information to back it up.


twitter: crazylilrae

Thifa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thifa said...

+1 tweet!/thifasblog/status/14077920985219072
(email above in my first comment)

Thifa said...

+1 for posting on my blog
(email above in my first comment)

Unknown said...

I really liked the OTC vs. Prescription retinol post!

The Makeup Pixie said...

happy 2ndverssarry jess!

My fav post would have to be .... (drumroll please)...

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Ask OutInAPout:
How do I Become a Makeup Artist?

First off you are ALWAYS so vivid in your posts/explanations.

Second, being that i went the route of cosmetology school after reading this post I almost felt as though I may have gone the WRONG route in wanting to become a makeup artist... (b00) but after rereading im again filled with the inital excitement that i felt that first day of school. This coming week I am going to apply at a various array of retail makeup locations in my area and hope for the best. Afterall it is the holiday season and who knows who is hiring.

Third, in this post your sense of humor is displayed so well! You always give us the best information but with your unique silliness that we all LOVE!

I also tweeted: Jessica Allison - beauty practices, products and philosophy: Happy Blogiversary to Meeeee.....… . FOLLOW HER NOW! :D

I also FB posted: IF u are not yet following jess U NEED TO! She is a makeup artist and
VERY knowledgeable in EVERYTHING beauty! She is unmatched in her craft!
So go follow her already!!
Jessica Allison - beauty practices, products and philosophy: Happy Blogiversary to Meeeee.....

and OF COURSE i follow u here and on twitter. (and FB too )

mamaowl at live dot com.

Love ya mama! here is to many more blogaverssaries in your future! xoxo

kate said...

Happy Blogiversary to you!

I'm actually a new follower. Found you through Lipstick & Lightsabers.

I follow via GFC: Kate Wilde.

This has been my favourite post so far:

I absolutely adore this look. It has become my go-to nighttime going out look.


my email is

Thanks so much for the opportunity.

tahiti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tahiti said...

(deleted previous comment because I messed up my Twitter, bah! sorry.)

Happy Blogiversary!

Relatively new follower, I found you through Lipsticks and Lightsabers, but as someone who BURNS rather than anything else, your Body Sunscreen post was very helpful. I use a Coppertone Sport 70 SPF usually when I'm out, but I may have to try the Huggies.
Follow as tahiti via Google



E-mail: tahiti.thal at gmail dot com

Kira said...

I follow as Kira's makeup Reviews.
I love the look you did back in 2009 Halloween with the Shu Uemura Lucent Rainbow Eyelashes. Those are such cool lashes!

email - kiramaltby at

ChellzzBellzz said...

YAY! Happy blog anniversary!

GFC: BelleJoie
email: belladdicts[at]gmail[dot]com

I found your "Hey Baby! What's Your (Skin) Type?" delightfully helpful. It really clarified what my skin type is.

Posted about it here:

Thanks for the opportunity! :)

Jangsara said...

What an amazing giveaway :O
How great it would be to win this one :o

Can I say this is my favourite post on your blog? ;D
If not, I'd have to go with your Black Friday/Cyber Monday linklist, which was very useful.

I tweeted:!/Jangsara/status/14228637184172033
And facebooked:!/jangsara.fanpage/posts/171849969516677

And my email is jangsara(a)gmail(dot)com

Khara said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!!

GFC- Kayotic

I found your "Quick Tip: Pro Trick to Longer Wearing,
Stay-in-Place Eye Liner" very helpful

Jaycee said...

I love that you post up all the info on sales giving us girls a heads up... I also recently read an entry from back in Oct. about dry scalp during the winter.. and that really hit home for me. Thanks!

lessthanjeni (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway!!! THanks!

My fav post is on the elf lip lock pencil! Awesome product!

twitter: macbaby1818

I tweeted:
wow @OutInAPout is holding a major giveaway... please check this out! This is a great giveaway... ;-)
forgot the link oops:
@OutInAPout is holding a major giveaway... check it out here:

I follow via GFC: Mei Mei

I posted on my blog:

Sarah. said...

Congrats :D
I think my favorite post was your "Calaveras de Azúcar" / sugarskull look :)
I followed on blogspot!

suzie said...

Hi, I'm a new follower! I read through some of your posts and I liked the Lime Crime - The Phoenix look the most!

I posted about your giveaway in my sidebar:

zsuzsmuzs (at)

thank you for this awesome giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I love your post about Urban Decays Alice 'book of shadows' III ( ). Its really useful for comparing books, and i know what you mean about glitter!

Tweet :)!/randomweevil/status/14256118620491776

louweevil at hotmail dot com

Sarah Rockel said...

My favourite post is your Sugarpill Review:

Don't Skip Your Sugarpill!
Product Review:
Sugarpill Eyeshadows

Sarah said...

Link to my FB where I posted a link to your Blog and told my friends to check it out! Add me :)

Galen said...

I like all your tutorials, but I found this a really fun read: I used to believe what it said but having tried some of the products that come up again and again I just have to shake my head when I read it now.

Twitter RT:!/Galen_UK/status/14270142343028736 (@Galen_UK)

Contact Email: galenuk [AT] googlemail [DOT] com

shadow_alley_cat said...

i follow u as shadow_alley_cat
my email is
i liked the Quick Tip on the Stay-in-Place Eye Liner post

i follow u on twitter and i tweeted about ur giveaway!!/manix_linu/status/14278155124609024
i wrote on my FB!/profile.php?id=100000344517649

ágii. said...

Hi,I'm a follower:)
my e-mail is:
My favourite post was the Sephora friends and family post.
Thanks for holding this giveaway:)

kory_nails said...

hello new follower
GFC name kory_nails
blogged about your giveaway
my fav post

Andreea said...

happy blogiversary to you !!!
My name GFC: Andreea
My email :
I like :

I blogged about your giveaway :

Thank you very much :) !

purpurinum said...

congratulations! :)
I love the all posts about skincare!
I understood it well, but i have a very bad english!
and thank you for the giveaway!
My email: tapaiedina at gmail dot com
I'm following you as dinamano.

merr said...

Happy Blogiversary! :)

One of my favorite posts is this:

It's such a gorgeous look, thanks a bunch for the tutorial!

I follow via GFC.
impendingfate at hotmail dot com

keijukainen said...

Happy blogiversary and Thank You for this blog!

Hehe I love how you included all the "wow items" from 2010 in your giveaway. Reading the post brought back great makeup memories :D

The first post I saw on your blog was this tropical Sugarpill look when I was looking for ways to combine Midori and Afterparty. It was my favorite until you did this one:

Holy cow that was gorgeous and with just 2 eyeshadows. This made me appreciate Goldilux even more!

I think GFC's what you meant by following (I mainly use Bloglovin), so now I follow you as keijukainen.

keijukaiset (at) gmail (dot) com

Anastasia said...

Glad to see so many entries!

I've RT'd it twice and also tweeted about it on my own, and it's included in my Sugarpill review on the blog, but a day or two before the deadline I'll also post a reminder and a FB update for any stragglers.

My favourite post(s) are the skincare ones. I really liked your Illamasqua RF review, of course, because it gave me ideas on how to try and make it work for me (even if it ultimately didn't) but, you're my skincare expert. I loved the amount of research that went into your eye cream post, I love how you explain everything thoroughly but not in a condescending manner.

I can't pick one, sorry. I love everything with this tag:

Also, in the unlikely event that I win, please pick a second winner for the Sugarpill palette, because I already own those shades and so I wouldn't deserve them :3

erin said...

Hello Jessica!!

The only post that sticks out in my mind is
Monday, November 9, 2009
Halloween Looks:
Lucent Rainbows & Pink Calamari!
because in that picture you have blue hair.

I have blue hair.

That basically makes us twins. ^_^

I facebooked:!/profile.php?id=1368581212

And as a super-shameless-promotion for you- I also mentioned you in my blog post today to direct more people to you blog. Now, in fairness, your blog is WAY beefier than mine. But hey. Advertising is expensive; and this is free. :)

My blog post about you:

Belinda said...

I like your D-EYE-Y post best <3

ellliott_gyal at hotmail dot com

Belinda said...

tweeted :)

elliott_gyal at hotmail dot com

Sof said...

Happy blog giveaway!
I think your post "AHA, BHA and Retinoids - Confused?" was interesting :)


Alexa1202 said...

Happy blog anniversary!

I am a follower via GFC (Alexa1202) and my email is alexa12_02[at]yahoo[dot]com.

I would love to enter your giveaway.
I blogged about the giveaway here:

I liked:

I tweeted:!/Alexa1202/status/14391352481546240


Unknown said...

Hello! I have just recently subscribed to your twitter and blog account so I honestly Don't have a favourite post yet except of course, this one! I also tweeted about your contest and just posted it on my blog fan page:

So check it out there for additional entries! Thanks so much!
Miss Mary @ Confessions of a Product Hoarder

Camelia Andrasescu said...

enter me ,please!
I follow you via GFC (Camelia Andrasescu)
I love every make-up reviews because I'd like to learn about ather people experience

Jasmine said...

Congratulations on your blog!

I'm a follower though GFC and Bloglovin.

Is it wrong to say this is my fav post? lol. it is though ;) it's like you took a peek at my wishlist and decided to do a giveaways especially for me hahah

I tweeted about this giveaway (jasmine_nl) and i put this on my blog under 'giveaways'.

my email:

Maria Teresa said...

Happy blogiversary :D

I am a follower.

My favorite post is the list of Black Friday Cyber Monday because it was so detailed and carefully made. I do generaly love all your creative looks!

My e-mail is morositas6(at)hotmail(dot) com

mystylespot said...

I"m following on GFC. I LOVE the product reviews!

Handcrafted Carolyn said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I love this brows post:

This is probably the only advice I will need for brow plucking the rest of my life. :)

I follow via GFC: handcraftedcarolyn or Carolyn B.

carolyn[dot]buss at g mail [dot] com

I tweeted about it; @sweaty_duck is my Twitter handle.

Handcrafted Carolyn said...

I posted on Facebook:

Thanks for sponsoring this awesome giveaway!

carolyn [dot] buss at g[mail]dot[com

Billi said...

hi dear

follow u as billi

so many posts that my favorite but i love
Monday, April 6, 2009
Ignore the Snow- It's Spring in Ohio!


Everyday I'm Polishin' said...

Wowww, 2 years. (:
Don't laugh. My favorite post...hmmm...well one of the top is an eyebrow shaping post. Eyebrows 101, I believe. It saved me. I kid you not. (;
I follow as Lacquersmack through GFC and my email is

Katherine said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary!

GFC follower:
Email: necessarynails @ yahoo . com
Twitter: @necessarynails
Favorite post: My favorite posts are the ones where you share details on amazing sales to everyone. That's something special that I haven't seen from that many bloggers. Mostly I see the deals that a few nail polish companies send out through their press releases. But yours is a well rounded post on deals. I really like how you're spreading the word and helping others save money as well as get good deals for bloggers because many of us have a job or are unemployed and by blogging about products, it takes a lot of money from our own lives and this helps us save a little whenever we can! So I really thank you for that :)

Packgal said...

i actually liked your post on Cerave moisturizers, i am a pediatrician and recommend this to patients all the time but i was happy to know you also like it as a beauty blogger.

i follow under the name whitney pack and my email is whitneypack at byu dot net

Packgal said...

i posted about your giveaway on my facebook page but i'm not sure how to give you the link: here's hoping this works ok:

Millie said...

New follower here (haven't found a fave post yet). GFC Millie
snowleopard_al AT hotmail DOT com

Helena said...

Previously entered via comment (still a follower), but now I tweeted and posted on Facebook!!/xHelena/status/14479789612077056

Shopping Addict said...

I follow you on GFC.
I posted about the giveaway on my blog:
I also did post about it on my FB:!/andrea.trenary

Email is

And my favorite post you've done is:
Visually lovely.

Sidenote I love that my word verification is rebel I choose to take that as a good sign.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best giveaways I've been in a long time! AMAZING! Great job! You're so generous! (Jeez thats a ton of exclamation points)

Well this isn't one post in particular but I really like the skin cancer awareness series you did. People now-a-days are so obsessed with being tan, disregarding their health, they really need to think first. And I know what you're thinking, no I'm not 65, I'm 21 =)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! :D

I'm a follower via GFC (user: kakau_karina), and my mail is kakau_karina(at)hotmail(dot)com

My favorite posts is "Eye Brow 101: The Ideal Shape"... I really need to try it now, my eyebrows are a bit weird *lol*

I'm also following you on twitter (@kakau_karina), and I tweeted about the giveaway here:

I posted about it on Fb as well:

Jenni said...

hi :) i'm following you on GFC.

my fave post is: AHA, BHA and Retinoids- Confused?

since I was looking for info about anti-aging.

tryme [dot] imtoxic [at] gmail [dot] com


Paulina said...

gfc name - x x

mail -

please enter me :)

mrgee said...

Hey! I'm a new follower (GFC: mrgee), but looking through your archives, I enjoyed your 'Green and Mean: Pushing "Natural" Cosmetics' post. I've always wondered just how much I should heed the scare tactics that companies like Burt's (and Lush, and the Body Shop, etc...) use to get my business. Thanks for clarifying some of their marketing lingo!

My email is kit_kat_74(at)hotmail(dot)com

Echi said...

Happy blogiversary!

I liked the post about soaking your washcloth in milk and putting it on your face.

My e-mail is

Unknown said...

Thank you for this great GA!!
My adress is:
My fav post was sleek makeup 50% off sale because I love promos and this was so good to discover!!! ><
I follow you on GFC as rock-or-not
Thank you!!

Saori said...

Thanks for this great giveaway :)

I am a follower via GFC : Saori

My e-mail :

Have a good day :)

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