I hate to rant about a brand. It's not like they did anything to my Grandma, or kicked my kid or something. Despite what my friends and family say, I'm generally a nice person. However. Occasionally in my line of obsession, I come across a product that I just. Don't. Get.
I'm talking about products that I hear nothing but good things about, products that win all of the "best of" awards, things everyone seems to love- but when I try them, they leave me wondering. I figure, I can't be the only one, right? So kindness be damned, I'm gonna start speaking out. It may not happen often, and I'm well aware that when it does, I'm opening myself up to a barrage of "OMG, you're crazy, that stuff is my HG, I love it, I could bathe in it!!!" All I can say is, if that's you, you'll be able to easily note the topic by the title of the post, and are welcome to comment and tell us how much you disagree with me, and of course, you're well within your rights to just skip the post altogether. But just in case there's anyone else out there wondering why their dud is everyone else's super-seeker, this is for you, so that you can know you're not alone.
Today I'm gonna complain a little about
Urban Decay. As stated above, I just don't get it. Granted, their
Primer Potion revolutionized eye shadow application, but for me, that's where my brand appreciation ends. Urban Decay shadows, and in particular their Limited Edition "
Books of Shadows" are among the most anticipated releases in the makeup world. Their
24/7 Eye Pencils have achieved cult-status; perched at the top of everyone's "Best in Show" lists. So why am I so meh (to downright angry) at them, and can I really be the only one?
Recently, I finally got around to peeking at the newest installment of the Urban Decay library: version 3 of the Book of Shadows. It's the one with the really cute (but totally useless and wasteful) lighted, pop-up scene of New York City. Now, BOS III came out in August, so based on the fact that it took 4 months for me to hunt it down you may surmise that I didn't have that strong of an urge to get the newest book. I have the first edition of the Book of Shadows and have used it all of 5 times. Oddly, when I finally saw the new Book, I suddenly found myself wanting to buy it. I'd like to say it was the pretty colors- there are a few that look stunning. I have to admit though, it's highly likely that I was suffering from "everyone else wants it so I must too" syndrome. Whatever the case, I bought it.
I was aware when I bought it that I have a major issue with many Urban Decay shadows. Say it with me: Big. Damn. Glitter. Looking at the set, I could see that there were more than a few (7 out of 16, to be exact) with UD's signature "I love to make your face look like a disco ball" finish. I even discussed it with the sales woman, who was helpful enough to suggest a few possible remedies. Yes, I know I can put my foundation on after. Sure, I could use powder to prohibit fallout from sticking so well, or tape to remove some of the sparkle. I could foil the shadows to make the glitter stick better. All of those things are viable solutions. Except...Urban Decay glitter is a hornet, not a bee- it doesn't just sting once. That glitter just keeps coming back to taunt me, falling out all over my face, all day long. Grrr.
Again I say: I knew this, and bought the palette anyway- the other colors (especially Loaded and Psychedelic Sister- words can not express!) were just too tempting. Like any good makeup junkie, I busted the palette out as soon as humanly possible. The second I touched the brush to my lid I remembered why I passed on the previous two volumes of the Books. Um...I don't like Urban Decay shadows.
I know. Maybe I'm the only one, but even with their miracle Primer Potion, UD shadows go on wimpier than they should, blend murkily and fade more than just about any other brand at that price point that I can think of. Take Loaded: a gorgeous green that I mentioned earlier. In the pan, it's a super-deep, just shy of blackened, jewel tone green. It even swatches nicely, but introduce a brush, and all of a sudden, it's just black. Which I suppose isn't all bad, since the matte black (Perversion) in the set isn't even on par with my cheapies from NYX and Sleek. Sad.
Which brings me to my next rant, a product that I think I may truly be alone in my disdain of. UD's 24/7 Eye Pencils. "They're so pigmented, they wear forever!" Yeah, um, not so much. In side-by-side comparisons, I got longer wear and less smudging out of a $5 Revlon pencil. As far as the pigmentation goes, I know that's not just me: I've used these on more than one client and can say with confidence that, while the Urban Decay pencils do go on evenly, the gel-like formula just doesn't offer the rich, bold color of a traditional liner. Granted, they come in an amazing variety of shades, but I feel like they should be better considering how much adoration they garner. And then there's that damn glitter again! Someone please tell me how I applied brown liner to my top lid only, and 2 hours later there's gold glitter under my eyes! Anyone?!?
My other gripe about the pencils is, admittedly, a personal preference. I'm a smudger. I guess you could say it's part of my style. I haven't applied pencil liner to anyone in years without using a small smudger brush (Lancome #10) to soften the line and blend it into the lash; un-smudged liner just looks raw and unfinished to me. Unfortunately, Urban Decay 24/7 pencils don't like to smudge. Try to smudge too soon and you just wipe it all away. Too late and it's set. Oh well.
Like I said, I'm sure most of you are thinking I'm crazy right about now. Maybe I am, but I seriously doubt my issues with Urban Decay are manifestations of any abnormal condition in my mind. Thing is, I've been in this business a long time, and I've used a lot of products- I feel like my experience is VERY well rounded. Something tells me that if I have this gripe, other people do too. So, I'm coming out. How about you guys? What's your "big whoop" product? Share. My hope is that you'll think of this site as a place of openness and understanding. Then, together we can all begin to heal.